Profiles of Roothbert: Jermoh Kamara

Jermoh Kamara: university director, elected official, non-profit founder. "My experience as a professional has been a good one," commented Jermoh. At the age of 28, Jermoh is celebrating a significant expansion of her career.

"I'll be serving on the Worcester School Committee and representing 26,000 kids." Jermoh envisions this position as a means to effect good at the policy level. "This year, we're looking at hiring a new superintendent, implementing a sexual health curriculum, and collaborating with more local businesses." 

Jermoh seeks opportunities to serve, both at the local level in her community of Worcester, MA as well as Liberia. "I was born in Liberia. My family moved to Massachusetts when I was 11 years old." Interested in child development and education, Jermoh sought a means of incorporating her knowledge in health policy and management into supporting a handful of schools in Liberia. "My nonprofit Hawah V. Kamara (HVK) Children's Foundation works in 6 schools. The goal is for the schools to partner with us by bringing teachers for us to train, giving us a space to develop a digital library, and providing a means of familiarizing ourselves with the campus as we search for additional ways to be of service." 

"I have a connection with Liberia in the sense that my family lives there, but I also have a deeper connection with the social inequities and injustice happening in Africa," commented Jermoh. "One problem with Africa is brain drain, in which the elites and professionals who are supposed to be impacting Africa are instead here in America. For me to have a role in Liberia is essential." 

Jermoh originally entered the field of public health for its interdisciplinary potential. "I think public health is a rich profession. I can spread my wings and focus on many things. There's so many routes you can take at the research-level and in the teaching profession. My overall pursuit is helping people and helping populations. In public health, you have to focus on systems in which people are being affected and try to create some alignment between people and services."

"My parents are altruistic people," reflected Jermoh. "My father adopted children and ran for a state representative position in Liberia. My mother, at her workplace, advocated for labor rights upon the realization that her colleagues weren't being paid on time. They're strong people." Jermoh's purpose stems from a spirituality rooted in God. "Every one of us has a piece of God in us. How can we walk in His footprint? My spirituality comes from Him even in the smallest actions."

Jermoh understands her current position in the Worcester School Committee as service. "I am currently transitioning out of a professorship, and am considering how to balance my position as a Public Health Director with the school committee." Even before her official start date, Jermoh has a seemingly endless series of meetings to further acquaint herself with the members of her community and further familiarize herself with the school system.

Always searching for new opportunities to grow, to enhance her perspective, and to increase her capacity to serve, Jermoh embodies a core value found in many Roothbert Fellows to focus their spirituality into action for a greater good. 


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